Rosh goes back to her roots 🌿

Rosh goes back to her roots 🌿

My father was an accountant, but nothing got his juices flowing like a bit of plant alchemy.
We'd spend hours looking through old botany books  - exploring the ancient roots, barks and leaves he grew up enjoying in the lushness of Sri Lanka.
We'd source Gotu Kola leaf and blend up a green smoothie to help us kids concentrate before exams, or add grated turmeric and freshly brewed cinnamon to our breakfast to stay strong through the day.
It was not until I hit my 30's that I realised how much my body missed those amazing plant ingredients. I wanted to return to those ancient roots - and the time-tested plants and concoctions that I loved growing up. 
Most of all, I wanted to create products that genuinely delivered on both health and taste. 
So along with my co-founder Andy, we began mixing up botanical drinks with health benefits. Drinks that are grounded in tradition, backed by science, and always with kick-ass flavours.
It's a new kind of fizzy drink. One that never compromises on health, and always tastes bang on. We call it bubbles with benefits.
We hope you love them!
Rosh  xx
We make healthy fizzy drinks with kick-ass plants. They're rich in natural vitamins & nutrients, low in sugar and taste delicious - the perfect mix of flavour and function. 
Proper plants.
No bad stuff.
Very delicious.
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humble warrior 7 Bell Yard London, London WC2A 2JR
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