Time to bolster immunity?

Time to bolster immunity?

Find a new squeeze

It's that time of year, when we start to re-focus on our immunity, and staying strong. For many of us the humble glass of OJ takes a leading role in our defence strategy. But the next time you reach for that glass of orange, pause like a zen warrior and remember ...
Each can of humble warrior contains the mighty acerola cherry, straight from Brazil's Amazon and with all the good stuff and none of the bad stuff to support your immunity.
Oranges are great. Acerola is kickass.

30X the Vitamin C

Each tiny acerola cherry contains 350 mg of naturally occurring vitamin C. That's a whopping 30 x the vitamin C of an orange! 

Without the sugar

Acerola has 80% less sugar than oranges, which let's face it...bring a lot of natural sugar along with those seeds and bits in your teeth.

A real superfood

Along with extreme levels of vitamin C, acerola also contains a truckload of other vitamins and nutrients:  vitamin A, vitamins B1 and B2, niacin, iron and flavonoids.

So before the cold season begins - you really can power your immunity with every psssht.  

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